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Starting a new chapter: 4 ways to spring clean your small business
Spring is the season associated with new beginnings and fresh starts. It’s the perfect time of year to act on the saying: ‘out with the old, in with the new’ – not just in terms of your home or mental health but also in terms of how you run your small business. Now is your chance to check in with your small and medium enterprise (SME) and start preparing for the busy end-of-year rush. 5 Sep 2024 Read more

How to stand out as the best in your field
In an ever-shifting commercial landscape brimming with competitors, the challenge for any business is to rise above the noise and establish itself as a leader in its field. One entrepreneur who has managed to do this successfully is Lindiwe Nkuna-Kgopa, founder and owner of Lindiwe Sanitary Pads and winner of the Emerging Business Category in Business Partners Limited's 2023 Entrepreneur of the Year competition. 5 Sep 2024 Read more

Gender equality no longer just an ideal – it’s a strategy for business growth
The progress towards equality for women in the workplace, and specifically for women in businesses, has entered an interesting phase – one that will very likely accelerate gender equality, says Gugu Mjadu, executive general manager: marketing at Business Partners Limited. 26 Aug 2024 Read more

Business Partners Limited invites entries for the annual Entrepreneur of the Year awards
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of South Africa's economy, contributing over60% of the GDP and employing more than half the workforce. The Business Partners Limited Q1 2024 SME Confidence Index shows a positive outlook, with a rise in confidence for both business growth (83%, up 12% year-on-year) and a conducive local economy (69%, up 13% year-on-year). 23 Aug 2024 Read more

Top financial management tips for women-owned businesses
According to The World Economic Forum, women make up just under 60% of the continent’s total ratio of self-employment and contribute around 13% towards Africa’s total GDP. Motivated by various reasons, women entrepreneurs play a central role in growing the economy and the ongoing sustainability and sustenance of households, as well as the wellbeing of communities at large. With the call for gender equality across all spheres of society intensifying, there has never been a better time for women to pursue their entrepreneurial ambitions. 16 Aug 2024 Read more

3 ways that businesses can support young employees in an evolving work environment
Millennials (currently aged 28 – 43 years old) and members of Generation Z (currently aged 12 – 27 years old), have very different needs and expectations in the workplace than their older counterparts. By understanding what these unique characteristics are, employers can harness young peoples’ predisposition for innovative thinking, their new-era creativity and their potential to become invaluable human assets. 15 Aug 2024 Read more

5 signs you’re good at saving money in your small business
Effective cashflow management being the most vital ingredient to long-term success in a small business. As such, being financially savvy and literate as a business owner is imperative. Numerous studies and surveys have in fact found a clear correlation between financial literacy and small business sustainability. Among the many principles and practices that comprise what it means to be financially literate, being good at saving is one of the most critical. 29 Jul 2024 Read more

Top SA competition for entrepreneurs
The 2024 SME Toolkit Business Plan competition is now open for entries with over R200,000 worth in prizes up for grabs 26 Jul 2024 Read more

5 traits of highly successful teams
The value of human capital in any business should never be underestimated. In a small business, this statement is even more true. Small business working environments are typically more fast-paced, more demanding and often more emotionally and mentally taxing than their larger counterparts. But, if business owners can get a handle on these challenges and build a resilient team, the results can be remarkable. 16 Jul 2024 Read more

3 lessons that SA youth can learn from African countries with thriving SME sectors
The African continent is widely regarded as the next frontier in terms of small business development. With small and medium enterprises (SMEs) currently accounting for up to 90% of businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa, entrepreneurs play a vital role in social upliftment, economic empowerment and global competitiveness. Within the SME ecosystems of countries such as Kenya, Rwanda and Mauritius lie invaluable lessons for South African young entrepreneurs on how to harness the potential of human ingenuity, resilience and technological innovation. 15 Jul 2024 Read more

5 types of entrepreneurs – what drives them, what keeps them energised and how they succeed
Whether anyone can become an entrepreneur has been a subject of debate for decades, but what we can all agree on is that entrepreneurs are not all the same. Different people have different takes on and approaches to how business should be done. What we can also agree on is that as a developing society, South Africa needs them all. The diversity of entrepreneurial paths offers a range of inspiring models for aspiring business owners to follow. 15 Jul 2024 Read more

Room for youth businesses to grow in SA, tips on how to secure finance
In the challenging world of owner-managed businesses, it is understandable that only a minority are operated by young entrepreneurs, but youth have certain advantages that can boost their participation in South Africa’s most exciting business community. This is the opinion of Lawrance Ramotala, area manager for Business Partners Limited’s mid-Johannesburg region. 21 Jun 2024 Read more

4 attributes of highly successful entrepreneurs
From the outset, it’s crucial to understand that there truly is no winning formula for the ‘perfect entrepreneur’. Many entrepreneurs can build business success and penetrate a market due to personal insights, situations, upbringing, experiences as well as strategic and creative thinking. 21 Jun 2024 Read more

Small businesses are optimistic about SA’s democratic future post-2024 elections – Q1 SME Index
Anxiety levels around what the outcome of the 2024 South African elections would mean for small businesses, were relatively low in the lead up to 29 May. Like many of the country’s everyday citizens, many SME owners became caught up in the frenzy of the first quarter of the year as political contenders ramped up their campaign efforts. However, despite the uncertainty of the times, small business confidence has maintained its steady upward trajectory as SMEs press on towards positive post-election horizons. 11 Jun 2024 Read more

Efficiency is the key to surviving tough economic times as a small business – here’s what to consider
Small businesses have been put through the wringer in recent years. Sluggish GDP growth, fiscal constraints and rising costs coupled with load shedding have placed many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) under immense strain. Still, in the true spirit of resilience – a trait with which the SME community has become synonymous – many businesses have found inventive ways to weather the storm. Survival strategies vary, but the solution to sustaining a business in times of economic volatility lies in maximising efficiency. 3 Jun 2024 Read more

Why optimism and entrepreneurship go hand in hand (and why it’s crucial to a growing business)
‘Blind optimists.’ That’s what entrepreneurs have been referred to throughout history – and for good reason. Entrepreneurs have the unique ability to envision a future that doesn’t yet exist and to take steps to make that vision a reality, even though they may be unsure whether those steps are being taken in the right direction. 31 May 2024 Read more

New SME survey results reveal upcoming national elections a deep concern for SA small business owners
The 2024 elections are set to be one of the most monumental and contested in South African history. Several shifts in the electoral arena; including the introduction of independent candidates to the voting roll, the unprecedented large number of political parties contesting the elections as well as the uncertain majority of the ruling party, have added to the national air of uncertainty. 25 Apr 2024 Read more

30 years on, entrepreneurs are making the most of SA’s enduring miracle
As Freedom Day approaches, it is worth considering just how astounding the story is of Nyangani Tshabalala, says David Morobe, executive general manager: Impact Investing at Business Partners Limited. In any setting, the tale of the young entrepreneur whose initiative has helped thousands of students overcome their education deficit to gain access to higher education would be amazing. But in the South African context, his story is miraculous on so many levels, says Morobe. 24 Apr 2024 Read more

3 ways SME owners can cultivate a culture of human-rights in their businesses
Human rights may well be the last thing on a stressed and busy entrepreneur’s mind, but there are surprising advantages in thinking about a business’ role in the free world’s governing doctrine. This is the opinion of Kgomotso Ramoenyane, executive general manager for Human Resources at Business Partners Limited. 25 Mar 2024 Read more

SA entrepreneurship event sheds light on the need and the value of women in business
Despite the quantum leaps being made towards gender parity in the world of business, women entrepreneurs are still outnumbered by their male counterparts. To really make a difference in building a more robust and inclusive SME ecosystem, this status quo needs to change. Only by addressing the unique needs of women in business, can the challenges they face be turned into opportunities. A recent showcase entitled the Women in Business Symposium, spoke to these and other key issues facing women entrepreneurs in South Africa. 14 Mar 2024 Read more

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